Can you imagine more uses for old containers?

An image of Stadium 974 in Qatar
Paola Copka
Escrito por
Paola Copka

Can you imagine more uses for old containers?

Bars, food trucks and now stadiums for the World Cup.

Stadium 974 of Qatar is an innovative and unique stadium built entirely out of shipping containers. Located in Doha, the stadium was designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and made for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

The stadium comprises 2,000 modified shipping containers stacked to form a domed structure with a seating capacity of 40,000. The containers were sourced from around the world. Each container was carefully selected for its strength and durability before being modified to meet the specific requirements of Stadium 974.

The lifespan of a shipping container can vary greatly depending on how it is used and maintained. Generally, the average useful life of a container is between 7 and 14 years. After this time, they are no longer valid for transport but are perfect for other uses.

The design also allows for natural ventilation throughout the stadium, which helps keep fans cool during hot weather games while reducing energy costs associated with air conditioning systems.

The future of shipping containers

Shipping containers have been around for decades, but their use is becoming increasingly important as global trade continues to grow and expand. With the rise of e-commerce, more businesses are turning to ship containers to move goods quickly and efficiently worldwide.

Shipping containers are also becoming increasingly connected, with IoT (Internet of Things) technology allowing them to be monitored and tracked remotely. This means that companies can keep track of their shipments in real time, reducing the risk of lost or damaged goods while also increasing efficiency.

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