A Note to Managers

Managers successfully applying AI to their processes
Oscar Morales
Written by
Oscar Morales

You do not decide to implement AI to boost your KPIs, nor is it a tool to express in a holiday retreat how advanced your team is because they use AI for the company's benefit.

AI and Machine Learning (ML) are technologies that should be implemented to achieve a specific objective.

Do you remember accounting before the first spreadsheet? Because the story is a bit similar. Before spreadsheets, accounting was a process in which accountants had to dedicate their total focus to working the numbers. It was the accountant's responsibility to produce an output that:

  1. Followed the accounting principles
  2. Was accurate
  3. Represented the financial reality of the company— amongst many other duties

The accountant would do these jobs with the aid of a calculator if it was a high-tech company, or a team of people would work together performing repetitive tasks to produce the output.

When spreadsheets arrived, accountants did not become redundant but faster and more accurate. They could do more.

AI/ML exist to eliminate low-cognitive repetitive tasks. Take a couple of minutes before resuming reading. If you did, you now understand that your processes will change. Accounting firms or freelancers had to adjust their processes when spreadsheets appeared.

So this is a message for you, decision maker. If you are not responsible for hiring AI/ML for your company, pass it through—we are sure it will help with the decision.

AI/ML is not only about using cool tech; there should be an understanding that the technology to be implemented will definitely change the processes of a low-cognitive repetitive task, like searching for patterns in repetitive data.

While the human brain is quite good at intuition and analysis, a computer's "brain" is good at finding patterns. Our products use AI/ML to help users find patterns in data quickly; this means "remembering things that you have already seen 6 months ago but have already processed so many other things you can't remember in under 1 second".

Once the correct processes are 1) assessed, 2) redesigned, 3) tested, and 4) deployed. AI/ML will positively impact the efficiency of the selected process; ultimately, it means revenue, the bottom line.

We wrote this article for anyone, but if you want to know more about improving your international trade processes, email us. Sifty's founders are always happy to engage in complicated discussions about "processes that can't be improved".

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